Though an extremely new medium, social media has seemed to completely alter the way Americans think, especially among the Millennial generation. It is another perfect example of how our lack of sense and reason has transformed something that was designed to increase our social capabilities into a way to rant, boast, and bully. Instead of using social media to communicate and connect positively, our society has used it to create countless issues and distractions that only deter and detract from developing our social
Though an extremely new medium, social media has seemed to completely alter the way Americans think, especially among the Millennial generation. It is another perfect example of how our lack of sense and reason has transformed something that was designed to increase our social capabilities into a way to rant, boast, and bully. Instead of using social media to communicate and connect positively, our society has used it to create countless issues and distractions that only deter and detract from developing our social