
Summary Of Plagiarism In America

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Summary Of Plagiarism In America
In Dudley Erskine Devlin’s “Plagiarism in America” Devlin shares his thoughts on how the school boards should handle plagiarism. Devlin believes plagiarism has increased so much is due to the ease of getting information in the world.Devlin also talks about how plagiarism is starting to become more of an unusual act. Devlin also shares the thoughts of others on why plagiarism is becoming so big and how to prevent plagiarism from happening so often. “Donald McCabe reported in Education Digest that in a survey of 22 public high schools, 74% of the surveyed students reported one or more instances of test cheating in the past year and nearly 60% reported an incident involving plagiarism.” The main reason people believe the use of plagiarism has increased is because of the advancement of technology. Since technology is so advanced know it has made it so much easier to get a hold of information and claim it as your …show more content…
The reason that they are so divided is because they believe on idea is going to have a better effect than the other on the students plagiarising . “Some say plagiarism has always existed and because of the ease of technological access, we need to increase surveillance.” These people believe that if we can keep a closer eye on students and watch what they are doing we can prevent the use of plagiarism. Others want to take another route and help the students learn about plagiarism. They hope by teaching students about plagiarism they will understand plagiarism and they will know how to avoid it. Devlin’s idea to fix is a lot harsher than the rest he really doesn’t care to hear why the students plagiarised, he goes straight to punishment not really caring why they cheated.Devlin thinks it's a waste of time to teach the kids because students already know what plagiarism is and students still continue to use

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