
Summary Of How Not To Talk To Your Kids By Po Brronson

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Summary Of How Not To Talk To Your Kids By Po Brronson
The adverse effects of praising children might not be apparent. However, in “How Not to Talk to Your Kids,” by Po Bronson the article clearly states how certain kinds of praises may be harmful to children. The more general the praising might be the more harmful it becomes. The author Bronson reveals that eighty-five percent of Americans believe that it is important to tell their children that they are smart. Many of these parents believe that positive reinforcement is the best. While in some instances, positive reinforcement works well, but as this article has shown that may not always be the case. In most instances, it may cause lower self-esteem, lower grades, and an inability to cope with failure. Reading through the article the author shows that positive reinforcement can be more harmful than positive. Studies show that children who are told they are smart are usually less …show more content…
For instance when scholars from Reed College and Stanford reviewed cases pertaining to students being praise, they found that students become unsure of themselves. The effects were so profound that students at times were unable to stay on task, or even provide straight answer. In a similar study researchers told students to write whatever grade that they wanted to show to a different school. Forty percent of those who were praised for being smart lied. This research shows that praised students are more worried about appearance rather than working hard. Study after study showed that these smart kids tend to coast on their natural brilliance, and never really challenge themselves in fear of looking dumb. However, “Emphasizing effort gives a child a variable that they can control,”(p.2) explained Carol Dweck. This control is essential for the child’s growth, development, and understanding that they have the ability to decided if they will succeed or

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