When supporting positive behaviour there is lots of different approaches, most practitioners find they need to draw on several of these:
Reinforcing positive behaviour; this approach is well known and focusses on praising children when they have shown positive behaviour so they will be more likely to repeat this behaviour.
Modelling; this approach is extremely important as children learn some of their behaviour from others so it is important to role model good behaviour which includes being polite, being patience and showing consideration for others.
Positive culture ; This means it is important to be positive about a child and not expect them to be difficult as it seems children can sense the level of behaviour expected from them and will meet these expectations.
024.6.1 Explain how to support children and young people experiencing different types of transitions.
The starting point in supporting children and young people is ensuring they have someone they can rely on, someone they already have a positive relationship with. It is also important to explain to them what is likely to happen, to be truthful and answer questions they may have. When explaining to children/young people it is important to allow them time for the information to be processed, with younger children it is good to feed them information little by little. Another important aspect of supporting children is to listen to and acknowledge their feelings by doing this it can help children as they then feel they are being taken seriously. The most important thing is to reassure the child/young person that what they are feeling is normal and also whatever may happen they will be safe and secure.
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