
Spritual Needs Assessment

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Spritual Needs Assessment
Spiritual needs Assessment

Spirituality is a sensitive subject, and not everyone is open to discussing one’s beliefs. How well a patient discusses their spirituality is somewhat dependent on the nurse. A caring empathetic nurse is more likely to develop and maintain a holistic rapport and trust with patient. However, their involvement is essential in promoting spiritual health among patients. The difficulty nurses face in implementing spiritual care with patients starts with their incorrect interpretation of the concept of spirituality. Spirituality is defined as an experience that a person has had that gives purpose and meaning to life and death; it may or may not include relationships with God, or other divine power. The key emphasis on a spiritual assessment is to be able to obtain patient information regarding spiritual health in order to plan nursing care.

. Individualized plan of care and increased interaction with patients will make a great impact on patient’s care which will increase the self-esteem of the patient, and allow them to return to productive life style. “Meeting patients’ spiritual needs” is a medical professional duty as defined by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Bensing, 2000). In 2001 JCAHO revised its accrediting standards and it is mandatory to do the spiritual assessment of every client in hospital settings. JCAHO suggests that assessment of patient’s spiritual needs should be carried out not only to determine religious denomination, but also to identify spiritual and religious beliefs and practices especially as related to coping with illness or disability

Spiritual assessment tools are created to gain insight in to one’s or another’s spirituality and to evaluate how individuals practice spirituality in daily life. Many clinicians have developed tools for taking a spiritual history that helps in the recovery process and make the topic cover all the relevant points and easier to remember. FICA is

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