
Sociological Theories Of Violence Essay

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Sociological Theories Of Violence Essay
1. Violence is used to feel in control. Violence has many categories such as Physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, cultural, verbal violence and neglect. Some acts of violence can an act or felt emotional. Violence has been around since the birth of people. And individuals usually argue that violence is needed because it is part of being humans. Violence is acts of aggression. Due to some immediate circumstances, causes different types of violence to be committed. Theorists have an overview of two different types of violence, which are violence due to a damaged psyche and the person's nature. Human nature can display the conditions of the human traits such as violence. With a person damaged psyche, there are five compoundgrg such as …show more content…
And sometimes depending on the person, violence is the answer to get what they wanted. Internally is displayed by acts of emotions. Some people have more violent impulses than others which are showed by self-control. Stanley Milgram (1963) did an experiment to see how people can be influenced by pain/violence. He had two people the teacher and learner, and when the learner got a question wrong the level of shock would increase. They learned that the learner was influenced by the shock because obviously, he wouldn't want to feel the pain of the shock.
2. Violence is shared by a category of activities. Social theories on violence illustrates the notion that social factors either supports or promotes the restriction of violence. Some of the violence in society is due to the practice of one's beliefs or religion. Recently, violence has been
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Child abuse is an issue that is happening around the world. The forms in which we address child abuse is different. In other cultures, they don't see child abuse as a thing however., counselors are educated in understanding and dissecting the major categories of child abuse, which are physical abuse, neglect, psychological abuse, and sexual abuse. Their effects are negative and leaving the child to be hopeless and at fault. Besides being physical damaged the emotional associated with the trauma can be a lot to handle, especially with a child. Physical abuse is deliberate of unwanted, aggressive action that causes pain. Physical abuse examples are burns, black eyes, wounds, cuts, and bruises. An example is having a parent abuse their child for not doing his or her chores. Neglect is when the parent or guardian abandons the child which can cause dangerous consequences. The absence of care due to numerous reasons such as the parents being addicts, parents would are working or parents dealing with illnesses. These children often gave to fight for themselves. Psychological abuse is harsh or cruel comments told over and over leaving the child sad and leaving them to believe that what was said was true. The child often feels horrible about themselves and no desire for the future. These negative hurtful comments create emotional damage that is often never forgotten. Sexual abuse is when someone forces sexual acts on a child. The inappropriate touching causes the child to feel

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