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Social Problems

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Social Problems
The average street addict commits __150___ nondrug crimes a year.

A drug program that transfers addiction from illegal heroin to a synthetic narcotic is called ___ Methadone Maintenance ___________.

__ Individual Violence____ involves one person physically attacking others or destroying their property

__ Group Violence___ involves two or more people physically attacking others or destroying their property.

___ Situational Group Violence ______________ is unplanned and spontaneous and occurs when something in the situation stimulates or triggers the violence.

__ Organized Group Violence ________________ is planned, but unauthorized violence.

__ Behavior Modification _______________ stresses that if some behavior is rewarded, that behavior will occur again.

______ Modeling _______ involves copying another person's behavior

___ Differential Association ___________________ suggests that people who associate with lawbreakers are more likely to break the law than are people who associate with those who follow the law.

Sociologists stress that the causes of violence are ___ Environmental ___________.

_ Subcultural Theory ___________ claims that people who grow up in a subculture that approves of violent behavior have a high chance of becoming violent.

Feelings of normlessness and anxiety are called____ Anomie _______________.

According to the ___ Culture of Poverty ________________, poor people have different values than the middle class, and this is why they act as they do.

_____ Strain Theory _______________ suggests that crime occurs when the means for reaching cultural goals are limited experience fewer means to achieve success.

The form of assault where one individual forces another to have any type of sexual relations against that person's will is called ___ Forcible Rape ____________________.

___ Statutory Rape ____________________ describes sexual intercourse between an adult and a minor.

The newly defined crime that includes completed and attempted sexual assaults against all genders is called __ Criminal Sexual Assault _____________:

The _ Walter Mitty ___________ rapist has an unrealistic image of masculinity and uses rape to bridge the gap between the way he perceives how men ought to be and the way he perceives himself.

An inexpensive handgun that is often sold on street corners to criminals on a low budget is called a _ Saturday Night Special ___________.

The killing of four or more people in a single episode is called ____ Mass Murder _________________.

___ serial murder __________ is the killing of several people in three or more separate events.

The _____ Self-Fulfilling Prophecy _________ refers to something that becomes true because one said it might come true.

state(s) that illegitimate opportunity structures encourage some people to commit crime that others will not have the need to. Strain Theory

______ Functionalists ____________________ suggest that the poor and the middle class have a different illegitimate opportunity structure.

The legal term for crimes committed by children is ___ Juvenile Delinquency_______________.

__ Violent Crimes ___________ include(s) murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

___ Property Crime _________ includes burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

__ white collar crime ______________ are those crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupation.

______ professional criminals______ are people who consider crime to be their occupation. Crime committed within a highly organized gang is called a __ criminal enterprise_____.

_____ Values ___________ refers to ideas of right and wrong.

______ Restitution _______ requires offenders to compensate their victims for harm created. This is a form of retribution.

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