The series of events in the Russian Revolution strongly resembled those during the Animal Farm Revolution. In both cases, a new form of …show more content…
In those two cases, both the Czar and Farmer Jones were disliked by their subjects. For instance, the Russians did not like Czar Nicholas they did not have enough food to eat and support themselves (1917 Russian Revolution). Similarly, the animals residing in what was then known as Manor Farm did not like Farmer Jones because he treated them terribly and didn't provide them with enough food. These two horrendous leaders avoided their responsibilities and spent their time doing something else. Czar Nicholas II spent a lot of time with his family and went off to fight in the Great War a lot (Brown) which had a similar effect on his leadership skills as Farmer Jones’ drunken stupor. Another similarity is their ungrateful fall from power. When his actions (or lack thereof) caught up to him, Czar Nicholas was forced to abdicate his throne (1917 Russian Revolution). Comparatively, Farmer Jones was run out of his farm by the