
Should Technology Be Involved And Included In Education?

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Should Technology Be Involved And Included In Education?
Should Technology Be Involved and Included in Education? For every generation, technology becomes more and more implemented in their daily lives. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Dell, and Apple are sky rocketing and are huge influences in children’s lives today. As each generation changes, education must change with it in order to be more efficient. Traditional learning refers to learning from textbooks and paper products. Today, traditional learning has been put on the backburner with the emersion of computers, iPads, etc. Technology is a complex topic, on one hand it has the ability to increase efficiency and learning, while it also has the ability to mindlessly distract the audience. Even though technology has its disadvantages, …show more content…
Even the telegraph, one of the first mediums of communication led America into an era of mass communication, but in doing so it has gravely hurt society today. In a social commentary developed by Neil Postman, he explains that the invention of the telegraph led to America sharing useless information back and forth which had no relevance in their daily lives. With an abundance of knowledge, it began to pollute people’s mind and important news was lost in the sea of “news” (30-43). Similar to Postman, experts have warned the public about the health risks that come along with the use of technology and the illegal activities that happen on the internet. However, unlike the telegraph, technology is able to block inappropriate content from being seen, and databases are meant to sweep out the useless information floating around, to provide students with reliable and accurate information. Today it is common knowledge that too much screen time, the amount of time a child watches a computer, television, or phone screen, is harmful to them and impacts their brain. However, The American Academy of Pediatrics, which once recommended parents limit children’s screen time, has changed those recommendations to encourage screen time. They now distinguish between different kinds of screen use, passive and active. Passive screen use would simply be watching videos or playing games, where active screen use includes creative pursuits and learning. The hope is to achieve “Extraordinary learning”, where a child’s learning becomes a passion and they want, they desire to learn more (Mims). By involving technology into this process, the sky is the limit for what a student can learn and dream

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