
Shawshank Redemption

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Shawshank Redemption
Candi Stutler
Instructor: Jessica Trippett
Course: C.J. 123 Intro to Corrections
February 26, 2012
“The Shawshank Redemption”
Prison has always been a place of intrigue for people who have not spent time behind the bars of justice. Countless movies have been made to feed that intrigue by depicting prison life, but most have been grossly inaccurate. The effectiveness of a prison system relies on the rehabilitation process that is enacted by each prison; this process is usually overlooked in most movies.
“The Shawshank Redemption” shows how movies misinterpret rehabilitation and prison life. This false impression is what the general public views as, life behind bars. In the criminal justice system, prison plays a vital role in deterring citizens from committing offences. The images held by the general public, due to the media’s account of the prison system, are enough to prevent most people from committing crimes. This representation in movies and television programs is often false and misleading, portraying the prison system as a dangerous place where criminals are sent to pay for their crimes.
Now in this movie the prison guards were made out to be major prick. The prisoners were made out to be the good guys. The way the justice systems functions in this movie is the guards did do their jobs and kept the prisoners in line. Like typical movies, certain prisoners would get special treatment if they helped out the guards which Andy was one of them. Some people say prisons are just dysfunctional on the inside as they are on the outside of them. On the other hand, other people say the prisons are functional and that the guards are the good people and the prisoners are the bad people. No Matter what anyone does, a prison will never change how they treat the prisoners and how the prisoners treat the guards. Criminals are constantly shown living in fear of other inmates or working tirelessly on the roads or laundry mats. These representations more often than

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