
Sean Mcelwee: The Case For Censoring Hate Speech Summary

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Sean Mcelwee: The Case For Censoring Hate Speech Summary
Sean McElwee overall claim in "The Case for Censoring Hate Speech" , is showing how people are easily influenced by the media, websites known as Reddit, Facebook, and twitter. Which allow bigot comments, #hashtags, and remarks to certain touchy topics. The article also talks about the two targets of hate speech, one being a way to target a minority and uplift sectarians of the world. The author uses words in the text to show a serious, concerned and progressive tone for the audience .In the article the author shows how he is progressive, by mentioning how we need to all blame ourselves and put forth effort to fix it. In the phrase, “he map’s existence draws into question the notion that the “twittersphere” can organically combat hate …show more content…
The author shows the concerned tone by question the future of what will happen, and always talking about the future of still having hate speeches. In the second quote it says, “Consider the number of rapes that go unreported. Could this trend possibly be impacted by Reddit threads like /r/rapingwomen or /r/mensrights?” This quote is showing how the author is concern if the need of hate speeches are coming from reddit. Another quote , “The rape culture that permeates Facebook, Twitter and the public dialogue must be held at least partially responsible for our larger rape …show more content…
When he starts to talk about Free speech he makes statements that question the original idea of someone. In the phrase he says, “ “There are a lot of other nice people out there.”Those who claim to “defend free speech” when they defend the right to post hate speech online, are in truth backwards. Free speech isn’t an absolute right; no right is weighed in a vacuum. The court has imposed numerous restrictions on speech. “ The phrase is showing how defending free speech can also be bad, since it's not a right. It also showing how some people can use freedom of speech as a way to defend hate speeches. The tone of the author is confirming the idea of freedom of speech of being a way to encourage hate

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