"Saving Private Ryan" is a film set in the genre of war and directed by Steven Spielberg, it was made in September, 1998. the film is set in set in June 1944, intended to reflect the chaos and horror of Second World War. Steven Spielberg directed the film and gained 5 Oscars because of it. Other films such as: ET, Jaws, Jurassic Park and Minority Report he helped to create. Spielberg used a range of techniques to ensure his films were a success intended to:
"Hit the sets much like a newsreel cameraman following soldiers into war."
Although some of his techniques …show more content…
Simarly the colour is mainly desaturated throughout the film, although there are some saturated colours such as the blood stained beaches. This makes the audience aware of how many innocent soldiers died.
The sound in the battle scene comes to an abrupt stop when the camera focus's on Captain Miller's face. This is to show his temporally loss of hearing as a bomb shell explodes near him. The use of camera angles in this scene is used to show the chaos and utter destruction that the German's create.
The camera goes to an extreme close up on Captain Milers face, when he appears to be looking round in complete confusion, seeing dead men, machine gun fire every where and men scrambling behind the iron hedgehogs to avoid getting shot.
Near the end of the battle scene when they reach there check point on the field at the top of the cliff one of the Captain's men brakes down crying when he discovers that some of his enemy's are mere boys that had been sent to war by Hitler. This makes the audience feel shocked by the graphic pictures shown. At the very end of the scene Captain Miller is sitting at the top of the cliff with his friend looking down on the beach and seeing bodies, boats and blood. To show this a wide angle shot is used by doing this it gives an almost panoramic view of the