
Romeo And Juliet Fate Quotes

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Romeo And Juliet Fate Quotes
Romeo had multiple dreams where destiny spoke to him and foretold him about events in the near future. His dreams are like a medium for fate to speak to him of his tragic death. While Romeo is in Mantua, he awakes from a dream of Juliet and his seemingly pleasurable future with her then joyfully says, “If I may trust the flattering truth of sheep, my dreams presage some joyful news at hand.” (5.1.1-2). The word ‘presage’ immediately hints that this is a dream about his fortune, and is a clear display of Shakespeare using foreshadowing to demonstrate the recurring theme of fate being in control of their lives. Seconds after he wakes he hears the news of his beloved Juliet’s ‘death’ he immediately questions the controllers of fate and says, “Is

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