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Rob Heaney dbq 11 3

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Rob Heaney dbq 11 3
Robert Heaney




DBQ Assignment
During the period starting in 1820 and ending in 1860, when the United States was divided by sectionalism. During this time, the United States was faced with many issues that could only be formed through creating a compromise that was fair for all parties involved. The nation found it impossible to compromise due to differences in opinion, political views, political parties and other factors.

One of the first main issues that required compromise to create a reasonable solution was the enactment of tariffs on the south. The main export of the south was cotton. Cotton was what supplied the south with almost all of its money. In about 1828 to 1833 the first major conflict between the north and south was created during the Tariff or Nullification Crisis. In 1828, the North enacted a tariff on the south that severely affected their cotton trade. The tax rates were as high as forty five to fifty percent. The tariffs were nicknamed the "Tariffs of Abominations" because the south was so disgusted at the high rates it was facing. The south spoke out against these high rates and the north lowered the tariff rates to thirty three percent. Despite lowering the tariff, South Carolina decided that they were not going to follow the tariff, and not pay it. The reasoning the state had was that they thought they should not have to follow any sort of law or tax that was not beneficial to themselves. South Carolina nullified the tariff and didn't pay them. The north was outraged at this act. The north thought that the if South Carolina was able to repeal the tariff and ignore it, who would be able to stop them from ignoring laws regarding slavery? The north and the federal government were offended and angry. An example of their displeasure is shown in Henry Clay's speech to the Senate when he states "I merely throw out these sentiments for the purpose of showing you that South Carolina having declared her purpose...she can defeat the execution of certain laws of the United States, I for one, will express my opinion that I believe it is utterly impractical...that South Carolina...become a separate state" (Document A). Instead of working to create a compromise, the North and South began an argument, and the tariff was only eventually reduced to twenty percent, which was Still extremely high.

Another factor that brought north and south apart was that the south still used slavery. In the north, slavery was viewed as backwards and wrong while in the south it was considered necessary and they believed they were doing a service for the slaves. The north and south created different moral views and they were becoming more and more different from each other. Abolitionist parties were being created in the north, and the South was offended by this. Abolition was direct attack on the south's way of life. The Abolitionists show that they dislike the southern slavery with their declaration at the American Anti-Slavery Society " We believe and affirm that every American citizen who retains a Human being in involuntary bondage as his property is a MAN STEALER. The slaves ought to instantly to be set compensation given to planters..." (Document B). The south is upset and becomes defensive after these attacks making compromise more and more impossible after the two sides repeatedly insult each other. The north and south both think that they are superior to one another and than the other is uncivilized or brutish. An example of this hostility is shown in things like newspapers or books where the artists or writers would display the uncivilized action of their rivals (Document E). The arguing and insulting made compromise impossible because each wanted to gain an edge on their opponents.

One last issue that made compromise virtually impossible was the differences in political parties in the South and in the north. In the north, there was only one political party that was voted for, or the republican party. In the the south, they voted democratic but there were two different parties. The main point is that the north was strictly republican and the south was strictly democratic. The two regions had almost opposite political views and were both very passionate about them and would not make any sort of compromise with the opposite political party. The difference in voting is shown in (Document H) a voting map that depicted the voting results in the north and the south. The republicans and democrats had opposite views. The republicans had different Morals than the south who believed that the democrats in the south were wrong. Lincoln in his speech in Illinois shows his input in how wrong it is that it has become a battle of morals "...In politics, in religion, in literature, in morals, In all manifold relations in life? Is this the work of politicians?" (Document G)

Compromise was made virtually impossible between the north and south. Their immensely different opinions, morals and ways of life made Compromise very hard to achieve. If the two sides were more cooperative and they were more understanding, comprising would have been more possible and they would have had the ability to avoid conflict. If compromise was reached, our nation would be very different than the one we know today.

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