
Right To Refuse Medical Treatment

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Right To Refuse Medical Treatment
Patients Right to Refuse Medical Treatment Individuals seek medical treatment everyday to stay healthy, treat an illness, or just to stay alive. We all seek treatment whether it is voluntary or in an emergency basis. Some individuals suffer from severe illnesses in which others could not bear to live with. Some illnesses are so debilitating that patients wish they could just die. Once a patient gets to a certain point they may decide to refuse medical treatment because they do not want to be saved anymore. They are tired of suffering and wish to end their lives. Doctors face at least one ethical issue on a day to day basis and that is to determine if a patient be able to refuse medical treatment.
Teenager refusing medical treatment
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After six months the child relapses and the physician decides the patient's only chance at life is to have a bone marrow transplant. He explains the complications of the procedure but states if the patient does not have this the patient will only live a year. The parents and the child discuss the options and decide to have the transplant but the patient wants to ask questions concerning what happens if the procedure fails. The patient is told not to think negative thoughts. The parent signs the consent form and the preparation starts. The patient is in more pain now and also becomes scared because they overhear information about other children in the hospital. The patient hears that other children gone to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and never came back. One week after the transplant the patient starts to get sick and cannot breathe. A ventilator is necessary in order to save the patient but that can only be done in the PICU. The patient pleads for them not to send him to the PICU but they do not listen. The patient is sent to the PICU and was put into a comma. The patient could hear what was going on around him but he could not move at all. The patient finally dies in the PICU. (Derish,

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