
Research Paper On Queen Elizabeth 1

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Research Paper On Queen Elizabeth 1
Queen Elizabeth 1 Elizabeth 1 was the British Monarch’s queen from 1558-1603. Elizabeth’s early and family life was always really rocky. Also her way to the throne for her was rough. She reigned for 44 years. But when she died she left a great legacy. Queen Elizabeth 1 was and still is known as the greatest monarch of all time, but it took a little hardship for her to actually become queen. Most childhood memories are suppose to be filled with good and fun memories. But Elizabeth 1’s wasn’t all that great but very memorable. Elizabeth’s mother “Anne Boleyn was beheaded on the orders of her husband, based on probably false chargers of adultery and conspiracy” ( After King Henry 8thhad Elizabeth’s mother beheaded “She had a younger …show more content…
But what they didn’t know, she would matter more than anyone else. “After the early death of her brother Edward 6, her sister Mary inherited the throne” (Woods). Mary was not well liked by anybody. “She would become known as “Bloody Mary” was a roman catholic and her reign saw the persecution of Mary Protestants” (Woods). But “On November 17, 1558 Elizabeth learned of her sister’s death, and acceded to the throne” (Weems and Taylor). Elizabeth applauded all the Protestants for staying with their religion during the terrorizing reign of Bloody …show more content…
“The arts flourished with the creation of works by such greats as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe” ( She liked music, dancing, and watching plays. But Elizabeth never experienced these things with a husband. Elizabeth never married but “over time, she cultivated her image as a queen married to her job and her people” ( She had many men interested in her and had several proposals but she didn’t agree to any. Although she was pressured by parliament to marry she still refused. “For this dedication Elizabeth earned the nickname, the virgin queen” ( When Mary died, Elizabeth took over a very troubled country that Mary caused. Since Mary tried to restore Roman Catholicism and executed about 300 Protestants there was a major religious tension. But “Elizabeth took a moderate approach to the divisive religious conflict in her country between the Puritans and Catholics” ( Elizabeth once said “There is one Jesus Christ, rest is a dispute over trifles.” Pope Pius V didn’t like her actions to this so the Roman Catholic excommunicated her in 1570. But her reign couldn’t last

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