Unity is something that is appreciated by every individual on this planet as it is help to those from different cultures, religion and race to overcome their differences and to work side by side with understanding and devotion. Acceptance plays an enormous role but as soon as an individual is tolerant to these differences, a great amount of possibilities is opened for him. But what if someone is unable to withstand or accept these changes? This is where the more serious issues rise. ‘Racism is the incapability to accept others for who they are’, which leads to some serious consequences such as prejudice, hate crimes, and could end in assault leading to death. Racism is a worldwide issue in today’s society and most people are trying to fight against it. My essay is composed of racism in Hawaii to which I believe to a certain extent there is.
As human beings we are all entitles with the basic rights of living which includes food, shelter, clothing, health care, education and freedom of socializing. Racism in the United States has been a major issue since the slave era and most of our country’s founding fathers have tried to work against it. Hawaii is known for its Aloha spirit to which basically means to love one another as if you were family but what nobody realizes is the amount of hate some people have towards other races on the Hawaiian Islands. ‘Stupid Haole’ is a term used by many locals here in Hawaii Nei which means “no breath”. White families are judged as soon as they step off that plane and begin to live here. This leads all the way back to ancient Hawaiian history of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy.
Since 1840 the Hawaiian Islands have been an escape to a tropical paradise for millions of tourists. People all over the world encounter alluring exotic animals, beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, and gorgeous women. This is the Hawai'i that the tourists know. However, this Hawai'i is only but a state of mind. What