
Persuasive Syrian Refugees Essay

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Persuasive Syrian Refugees Essay
Imagine an extremist regime is taking over America. You and your family have nowhere to go, and no countries want you. You could be an extremist in disguise, they can’t have that in their country, no way! Sounds dumb doesn’t it? Well, that’s what 11 million Syrian refugees are experiencing every day. There are many parts to the decision regarding what is supposed to happen to these 11 million people who are struggling to start over in a new place and find a new place to call home. There is absolutely no reason we shouldn’t allow these innocent refugees into our country.
However, others don’t seem to agree. Donald Trump says, “We have no idea who these people [Syrian refugees] are…Our country has tremendous problems. We can't have another problem.” We are a country of millions of problems, hundreds are added daily. This problem isn’t just any regular problem, this is the fate of 11 million humans who deserve to live a normal life. Chris Christie says, “I have no doubt that ISIS will try to exploit American humanitarianism to expose Americans to similar deadly risk” ( ISIS may try to exploit American humanitarianism, but the Syrian
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The ultimate solution is to end the political conflicts and find justice for the people of this country. Kurt Nimmo of InfoWars believes, “The most straightforward and effective way to deal with ISIS is for the United States, France, and Russia to come to an agreement about the removal of Assad. Then the rebels and allies can deal with ISIS on their own ground” (Nimmo). Once Assad and ISIS are taken out of the picture, then we must stay in Syria. We can’t allow for another vacuum effect. We have to stay back and help rebuild the country, political system, and economy. If the United States doesn’t want refugees, then they need to get off their butts and help rebuild Syria, so the innocent refugees can go back

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