Getting a credit card for a teenager is an outstanding way to teach him or her to be financially reckless. The credit card venders have done such a thorough job that a credit card is seen as a rite of passage into adulthood. American teens view themselves as adults if they have a credit card, a cell phone and a driver's license. Sadly, none of these
"deeds" are in any way related with real adulthood. There are many parents who incorrectly think that giving their teen a credit card will teach them financial responsibility. You are not coaching your 16-year-old to spend responsibly when you …show more content…
In both cases, the parent of the teen is being misguided.
People with good judgment don't give 16-year-olds beer to teach them how to hold their liquor. By giving a teenager a credit card, the parent, the one with supposed credibility presents a financially harmful substance and supports its use. This is not only harmful, but regrettably very average in today's families. Parents must instead teach the teenager to just say NO or just teach them how to use one. Let me wrap up this essay with a little story: Joe is a 15 year old who just got a credit card. He likes shiny new devices and hanging out with his friends. One day, Joe went with his friends to Best Buy. His friends used a little something called peer pressure to force Joe into buying a $2000 PC. NEED I SAY MORE? Teens do not need credit cards unless they