
Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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Persuasive Essay On Concussions
Concussions are a big topic in sports today more than what they were a few years ago. Many athletes suffer from concussions do to helmet to helmet contact or from extremely hard hits. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions and may result in temporary unconsciousness. I agree that an athlete should be pulled temporarily from any game or sports activities if they suffer from a concussion if they are younger than eighteen. But if they are eighteen or older they have the right to put their selves back out there since they are considered adults. If an athlete gets a concussion, they are at more risk of sustaining another one. If they don’t let the first concussion to have time to heal and they obtain a second, the injury could be extremely worse or even deadly. Some people lie to their doctors or physicians about their symptoms to get released sooner and the cause more damage to their …show more content…
Motor vehicle accidents, being a soldier in combat, fighting, and falling all can cause a concussion. A person can sustain a concussion from any kind hard blow to the head. For some people it’s hard to avoid getting do to their jobs or athletic activities. Proper form in sports can help you avoid getting a concussion but won’t always stop one from happening. Some people or parents may think different from what I believe about concussions. Some people say their child or loved ones should be pulled from anything that may cause them to get a concussion. But a concussion could happen just by being hit in the head a little too hard. They could fall off their bed and get one. They believe if you get a concussion they should take you away from whatever caused you to get one; and I can understand that a parent or family member is concerned for their loved ones. But they shouldn’t fear them doing something that may hurt them. They can’t live in fear of being

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