The world of sports is filled with injuries many from hard hits to the head causing concussions. The sports world has been very busy lately addressing lawsuits, putting together committees and discussing various rule changes. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy says “The NFL and its clubs have long made player safety a priority and continue to do so.”(Morelli pg2) But is this the complete truth.
Concussions are a very serious occurrence in the sports world today. Concussions don’t always involve being hit and then knocked out like most people think. A concussion occurs when a mental status changes as a result of trauma to the head. For most athletes symptoms can disappear after ten days and most often less than a couple …show more content…
“The NFL has the power not only to give former players the care they deserve, but also to ensure that future generations of football players do not suffer the way that many in my generation have.”(Fox,News pg 2). The lawsuit filed accuses the NFL of mythologizing or encouraging the violence of the sport through commercials and even video games. Despite its knowledge and role in player conduct, the NFL turned their backs on the risks, and failed to warn players of the effects or create better safety for players. (News, Fox pg …show more content…
Many players have committed suicide due to problems relating to concussions. Some players have shot themselves in the chest causing the authorities and reporters to believe that the player wanted their brain preserved to be studied. (Keating, After the aftermath pg 4) This shows the impact concussion related injuries have on players not just while they play, but for the rest of their lives.
Since Roger Goodell became the commissioner of the NFL in 2006 he has taken many actions to improve player safety. Goodell introduced sideline video monitors so doctors could view the hit and better medically clear a player to play again. Goodell has tried to get through this dilemma with reforming and initiating guidelines but the commissioner will still be forced to choose between a long term public court battle against former players or a settlement worth hundreds of millions of dollars. (Keating, Head cases pg 3) Although football is a high paying sport where many athletes make it big and live long happy lives after retirement, this in fact isn’t the case for all players. The injuries these players sustain and effects they have to live with for the rest of their lives really deserve respect from the fans of football. Tragic events have happened due to concussion related injuries. From suicides to prison sentences the NFL needs to become accountable for these injuries or pay the