
Persuasive Essay About Poaaching

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Persuasive Essay About Poaaching
Poaching Poaching, as defined by Webster, is the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission. Today, that definition seems slightly vague as the nature of poaching has changed drastically in recent years. Poaching is an ever growing epidemic that plagues every continent of this world. Animals of every type are pursued for a variety of economic reasons despite the ecological consequences associated with disrupting the natural order of life in the animal kingdom. While efforts taken to stop illegal hunting are noteworthy, these efforts seem futile as those who pursue the poachers are frequently outmanned and outgunned.
Many environmental extremists view poachers as lawless criminals who, some believe, should be shot at the first hint of aggression towards animals or trespass in protected areas. In fact, most of the poachers are poor villagers who harvest bush-meat (meat obtained from the illegal hunting of rare animals) in order to make a living and support their families. The reason there are so many poachers hunting rare animals is that high society will often pay three to four times more for the delicacy of rare
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Throughout the African Republic, to the edge of Congo, there use to roam some 300,000 elephants in the 1970's. Today, thanks to the efforts of humans, less than 10,000 elephants now roam this area. In a smaller perspective, in 1985, before poaching laws were put into legislature, 4,308 live elephants were counted in Zakouma, Chad, compared to the 7,861 found dead. In 2006, conversationist J. Michael Fay counted 3,020 elephants in Zakouma, nearly 900 less than the previous year (Fay, Michael J. ). Shockingly, Zakouma is a refuge site for wildlife under armed protection and still, these large decreases in wildlife are being

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