
Omnivore's Dilemma Book Report

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Omnivore's Dilemma Book Report
The book Omnivore’s Dilemma started off with a question like many other books do but this question is simple, what should we have for dinner tonight? But the answer is way more complicated than the just the simple question that is asked. In the book Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan examines humans eating problems and how food affects humans as a society also he is talking about food as cultural significant object and increasing food availability as a problem in our society. The Omnivore’s Dilemma is an fascinating book that will have Americans reevaluating their way of eating and choosing their food more carefully and actually looking at labels or how it is grown or raised. Pollan mainly focuses on examining the problem of our eating and by looking …show more content…
People are often at odds to choose between food like organic verses inorganic food or products. And what is the difference and is one actually better for you or is just there to makes it easier for you to justify eating it If you think one is not using the industrial food chain. After reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma", my own personal opinion about the food industry and that many Americans don’t know how or how our food is even processed and grown or raised or how it gets to the grocery store. An example I love is my mom is a kindergarten teacher and she was doing a lesson on food and where our food comes from and the kids new that food comes from a grocery store and that was it. They had no clue that they food they eat had to be grown somewhere else and then brought to the store for them to buy. The next question was who like chicken nuggets and they all raise their hands and then she asked what is a chicken nugget and none of them could answer her. When my mom said they come chickens all they kids were grossed out and said they don’t eat chickens. This just shows today that kids aren’t being told how their food gets to their plate and I feel that this is a very important concept for people to know not just kids. Going along with that people don’t know how food affects out bodies and after reading this book it makes you think about what you eat a lot

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