
Of Mice And Men Loneliness Essay

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Of Mice And Men Loneliness Essay
6. Loneliness is a dominate theme in Of Mice and Men. Most of the characters are lonely and searching for companion or just as an audience. The examples of character discuss the example of character loneliness, the efforts of the characters in search of companionship and their varying degree of success.
Of Mice and Men’ is a novella written by John Steinbeck in the 1937, with Loneliness being one of the primary themes. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck shows the enormous effect that loneliness has on the characters. He most clearly illustrates this theme through Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. Ranch hands are ideal types of people to portray as being lonely, because their constant travel leaves them without someone to talk to or share things
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He could abandon him, but he carries the responsibility. Having the care of an individual with a disability has restricted George's life, opportunity to establish relationships, and forced him to move whenever something went wrong. The life style of a single migrant worker gives way to a lonely life. For example, Candy is a typical aged out ranch hand. He sits by himself often, is left behind when the others go to town, and is alleviated from the income and social environment. If George continues to work as a ranch handle will eventually become like Candy. Lennie has George and he knows George won't leave him. He gets mad when Crooks implies that George might leave someday. Lennie is a very naive character. He doesn't worry about making new friends because the only person he cares about is George, the only way in which Lennie is lonely is that he can't have mice or rabbits without hurting them. Lennie is frequently off in his own dream world and is constantly preoccupied with dreams of the farm which he and George someday hope to buy. As a result, Lennie is unable to face reality at times, a fact which puts him even more out of touch with the real world and with other workers. Lennie is just like a big baby. He refuses to defend himself and often cannot be held responsible for his actions. This irresponsibility, combined with Lennie's abnormal size and strength, causes many of the other ranch hands to shy away and fear

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