Shortly before Oedipus becomes king, he defeats a Sphinx that held the city of Thebes captive. Here intellect is Oedipus' greatest strength by answering the Sphinx correctly, Oedipus gains fame, a kingdom, and a wife. Without realizing his relations to the Queen, Jocasta, Oedipus willingly marries her as a reward for defeating the Sphinx. He begins to believe "the world knows [his] fame," and believes himself invincible (l. 8). However, when Oedipus discovers his identity at the end of Oedipus the Play, his shame exposes intellect as his greatest downfall. Oedipus finally learns of his adoption, Laius, and the chaos he creates by marrying Jocasta. He truly becomes "the curse, the corruption of the land," when he gains knowledge of his identity (l. 401). In this case, intellect and Oedipus' shame cause him to blind himself, bringing about his
Shortly before Oedipus becomes king, he defeats a Sphinx that held the city of Thebes captive. Here intellect is Oedipus' greatest strength by answering the Sphinx correctly, Oedipus gains fame, a kingdom, and a wife. Without realizing his relations to the Queen, Jocasta, Oedipus willingly marries her as a reward for defeating the Sphinx. He begins to believe "the world knows [his] fame," and believes himself invincible (l. 8). However, when Oedipus discovers his identity at the end of Oedipus the Play, his shame exposes intellect as his greatest downfall. Oedipus finally learns of his adoption, Laius, and the chaos he creates by marrying Jocasta. He truly becomes "the curse, the corruption of the land," when he gains knowledge of his identity (l. 401). In this case, intellect and Oedipus' shame cause him to blind himself, bringing about his