
Odysseus In The Odyssey: A Character Analysis

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Odysseus In The Odyssey: A Character Analysis
Malala Yousafzai said, “We were scared, but our fear was not as strong as our courage.” To some people, courage is seen in everyday acts of bravery. When a person does what seems to be a brave act during a calamity, without proper training, it is not bravery. It. Is. Courage. Courage is doing something that is dangerous and noble, but not irrational. It should also make you a better person, or the world a better place.
Odysseus in The Odyssey Odysseus was definitely courageous in The Odyssey. Odysseus’ actions are important because they demonstrate how a small act that is spur of the moment can save many people’s lives. For an act to be courageous, it must require extreme danger to the individual. Defeating Polyphemus was definitely dangerous
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Charlie’s actions are important because they reveal how we can make irrational decisions without knowing the dangers. Charlie was definitely being brave in choosing to do his surgery, for an act to be courageous, it must involve extreme risk or danger, but it should not be for a personal gain, it should be moral. Charlie agreed to do the surgery, but only because it was going to help him become intelligent. Sure, it would’ve helped his doctors improve the procedure for future trials. But, that doesn’t mean they are helping save someone’s life, they are only improving it temporarily. Earlier in the Flowers for Algernon movie, Charlie reveals how foolish and not courageous his actions were when he tried to use the mixer (in the factory he worked at), without proper training. For an act to be courageous, it must not be irrational. The equipment was dangerous, and Charlie could’ve gotten hurt. Later in the Flowers for Algernon movie, Charlie revealed how selfish he was when he stood up against Dr. Strauss in Chicago. It’s understandable that Charlie was standing up for himself, but he embarrassed Dr. Strauss even after all he had done for him. Charlie was acting like the sun, wanting planets (or everyone and everything) to revolve around

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