
My Clinical Experience Essay

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My Clinical Experience Essay
My admiration and respect for the profession of medicine developed at the age of 8, due to a close encounter with death. I was admitted in a hospital due to an extremely low and rapidly deteriorating blood platelet count. At first the doctors provided me with a treatment that should have treated 90% of the cases, but they didn’t have any effect on me, and with the time running out quickly they resorted to the next best treatment. If this treatment didn’t work, I was only left one other option and it was bone marrow transplantation. Fortunately, that treatment worked for me and I was saved. While in the hospital, I noticed the agony and distress that my parents and my loved ones had gone through; they were uncertain as to what was going to happen to me nor could they do anything to directly improve my health, so they felt helpless …show more content…
During that time, I saw people of varying economic and cultural backgrounds all experiencing the same struggle and agony as my parents did, doing everything in their power to keep their sick loved ones alive. Watching them, I realised that the life of a loved one is invaluable, and I only had to look at my father who lost his mother at the age of two to understand the devastating effect of losing a person dear to you. As a child, I was always interested in science and I wanted to do a job with which I could help people. After this experience; watching the role that doctors play in helping people save the most invaluable thing in their lives, it became my ambition to become a doctor. It became my ambition to provide someone else with the opportunity that I was given, a second chance at life; to help people in vulnerable times, like my doctors helped my parents; and to help people in saving the thing that they hold dear to them; the life of a loved one. Therefore, I would like to undertake the medical programme to turn my dream into a

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