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“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’ This quote demonstrates the nature of the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses characters to demonstrate that he feels the American Dream is a failure. This can be seen most clearly through the characters of the Buchanan’s, the Wilson’s, and Gatsby himself.

Fitzgerald uses the characters of the Buchanan’s to demonstrate the American dream as a failure in the novel. This can most clearly be seen through Tom’s infidelities and Daisy’s cold heartlessness about abandoning Gatsby after his death, and both of them lack motivation to work. Throughout the novel, Tom cheats on Daisy several times, thus insisting that God should not reward Tom. Tom says in the novel, "And what's more, I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time." This quote shows that Tom ita okay for Tom to have his little affairs, because he really loves Daisy. Daisy’s cold heartiness towards Gatsby’s death is another example of poor morals, which further proves a point that the Buchanan’s are not deserving of the American dream. The American dream states that through hard work comes rewards, however Tom or Daisy does not display any motivation to work, therefore they should no be rewarded, although they are rich. Clearly then the American is a failure with the Buchman’s because they rich and don’t work for it.

Also Fitzgerald uses the character of George Wilson’s to demonstrate the American dream as a failure in the novel. This can most clearly be seen through his hard work, inability to live with himself after he does something wrong, and treatment of his wife. Throughout the novel George is always working hard and never has time to get ahead and where he wants to be in life, the shows that he works hard but is not rewarded. After he kills Gatsby, he is

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