
Intangibility Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Intangibility Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby
Throughout the Jazz Age, the people of America dreamed of attaining financial greatness. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is set in New York City, the epitome of industrialization and economic opportunity during the Jazz Age. The young, charming, and charismatic Jay Gatsby flaunts his financial prosperity through lavish and colorful parties. However, Gatsby’s money is earned dishonestly and is short lived. Fitzgerald reveals the intangibility of the American Dream through various characters in the novel. George Wilson embodies the underprivileged laborers of the urban world struggling for the American Dream. Fitzgerald describes Wilson as lifeless, hard-working, and submissive. In addition, his wife, Myrtle Wilson, whips him around while …show more content…
Since the beginning, Gatsby knew that to attain the American Dream he would have to create the persona of Jay Gatsby from James Gatz. Jay Gatsby is a rich, successful man from West Egg in New York while James Gatz is the penniless son of unsuccessful farm people. Evidently, Gatsby grasps that to attain the American Dream he absolutely can not be a lower class laborer and must be born affluent. In addition, Gatsby is revealed as a hard worker when his father presents a schedule that exhibits, “‘Jimmy was bound to get ahead’” (Fitzgerald 173). He refers to the anal schedule of self-improvement Gatsby grinded himself through. However, it is also revealed Gatsby earned his money through illegal activities when Meyer Wolfsheim, a mob leader, tells the narrator, “‘Start him! I made him’” (Fitzgerald 173). This exposes that Gatsby believs that in order to create the American Dream from nothing, integrity is impossible. In the end of the novel, everything is taken away from Gatsby when he is murdered by another victim of the hopeless American Dream, Wilson. Evidently, Daisy and her husband, Tom Buchanan, two people of privilege, can be linked to the intricate events leading to Gatsby’s downfall. Therefore, Fitzgerald reveals that all of Gatsby’s hard work and his own life was obliterated by the elite who were born into the American

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