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Research Report 07: The Genetic Structure of an Historical Population: a Study of Marriage and Fertility in Old Deerfield, massachusetts 12-2-2008 Anthropology Research Reports series
Chapter 1, Background of the Study
Alan C. Swedlund
Prescott College
Swedlund, Alan C., "Chapter 1, Background of the Study" (2008). Research Report 07: The Genetic Structure of an Historical Population: a Study of Marriage and Fertility in Old Deerfield, massachusetts. Paper 3.
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CHAPTER I BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction Data for the present study are derived fro. vital statistics and genea1olica1 records of the town of Deerfield, Massachusetts. Fie1dwork, w.. done during the of 1968-1969, and consisted primarily of library research in the Deerfield area, and re-recording the information for computer use. The period of time covered by
these records is between 1680 and 1850, or, 170 years. Massachusetts provides IOod opportunities for historic population research, since reaistration of births, deaths, and marriages was made compulsory in 1639 (Spiegelman, 1968:3). Deerfield was
selected aa the co..unity for study after a nu.oer of a..11 towns in northwestern Massachusetts were considered. The reason Deerfield
was chosen is because available records appeared to be very complete. The community of Deerfield's own emphasis on its long history, and efforts by such specific aroups a. the Pocumtuck Valley Me.oria1 Asaociation