John Preis
Being a leader and manager may seem the same because they are both position in leadership but they are very different. Good traits of leader are understanding, open minded, stern but not hard headed, focused, willing to take well thought out risks and approachable. The different between a leader and a manager is very simple, good management skills. The role of a leader is to lead the team into victory by managing time, people and resources. A leader sees a goal and works towards that goal with a lot of moving parts being managed by other sources, a manager’s role is to manage a task and see it through to completion. Being a manager means to …show more content…
Melissa Petri, a numerical analyst from the Philippines, works on semiconductors at the European headquarters of Fuji Electric, a Japanese company, in Frankfurt. In the past several years, she has had bosses from France, Germany, Japan and Spain. Everyone speaks English, but differences in culture have led a few of her colleagues to threaten to leave the company, she said. "We 're having problems now, because most of my colleagues are German, and we got used to it before with a German boss," she said. "Recently we changed to a Spanish boss, and it 's very different. The way he runs things, the Germans don 't think it 's how it should be done." She said that her German boss was very direct, whereas her Spanish boss might say one thing to smooth over an argument but end up doing something …show more content…
But in many countries, Paine said, doing business with companies owned by family members is standard practice. Nondiscrimination policies in the workplace can also be problematic, Paine said, with statements often going further than actions. But that should not always lead to challenging companies ' intentions." In some cases, it 's not actually lip service," she said. "It 's a genuine aspiration, but there are a lot of impediments and barriers to achieving it." Thanks to the globalization of companies, however, some cases can be more straightforward than they first