
Mercutio In Romeo And Juliet

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Mercutio In Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet's play is art by Shakespeare's, which revolves around a street couple in Verona by the names Romeo and Juliet. (Weis, 2012) This play was written based on a fictional story written between the years 1594 and 1596. This art is a fictional story, but around 13th century there rose two characters, from two famous Italian families and fell in love. These two young stars love fame spread faster across the Italy and France. The tales of the two young lovers lead to the creation of a poem from which the Shakespeare created the basis of his play.
In this play, the couple is miserable engaging themselves into dishonest desires, while ignoring the advice of their parents and other seniors. The friends also tried their best to advise them, but their efforts were futile, Romeo ending up committing suicide while fighting for his love for Juliet. The series of activities that in which these two
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This character was not present in the 1st version of the play but was later introduced by the Shakespeare. He was neither Couplet nor Montague, the two distinct families in Verona (Weis, 2012). However, he sides with the Montages since he’s Romeo’s friend who is one of the family members.
Mercutio has two main roles in the play, on top of the other minor parts he plays. First, Mercutio serves as an entertainer due to his humorous character. He uses his jokes in an amusing manner and tales. For instance, his personality and his wit were shown in Scene 4 of the 1st Act where he narrates a tale of Queen Mab. Romeo describes him as a, “A gentlemen who loves to hear himself talk, will speak more in a minute than he will stand to in a month.” Moreover, he has a different view on women, in association to love, where he views women as tools for pleasure to men (Weis, 2012). This view contradicts with Romeo’s perspective which was a firm believer in true

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