
Malcolm X Argument

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Malcolm X Argument
This forum discussion of Martin Luther King Jr. referred to how Jesus taught is on how to love our neighbors, love our enemies, and be able to forgive others. He also stated that, to love one’s enemy is an absolute necessity for our survival. Also, Love even for enemies is the key to the solution of the problem of our world. This discussion is stating that we must seek to defeat or humiliate the enemy but to win a friendship and understanding. An example of what Lincoln did with his campaigning for the presidency who was Mr. Stanton. Stanton’s hate was beyond words towards Lincoln where he uttered unkind words about Lincoln’s physical appearance, and everything about him. As Lincoln was elected a president of the United Stated, he had to select and choose men for various secretaries and one of the secretaries that were chosen for all important secretary of war was Stanton. Even though a lot of advisors informed him of how much Stanton hated him and that he would sabotage his program, he still thought that he would …show more content…
He also believes that hate that was seen among black people is a reaction to the hate of society that has rejected them. When Malcolm was asked if the God of Muslims and of the Jews and the Christians ate the same God? Malcolm believed and said that “If they believe in the same God who created the universe, then we all believe in the same God.” Malcolm meant by this that we are all the same and believe in the same God but might call God with different names according to the religion but does not change the fact that we all believe in one God. He also believes in a society in which people can live like human beings on the basis of quality. He wanted the African Americans to be treated in the same way and have their rights as human beings because that’s what they

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