(BAI) A part of the Beck Scales to assist the clinician in making balanced and reliable assessments of patients.
Test results are useful as a first step in detecting and proper treatment of an affective disorder. The Beck Anxiety
Inventory gauges the severity of patient anxiety.
Beck Depression Inventory
Assesses depression and, in conjunction with the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), to gauge the likelihood of suicide. The
Beck instrument is commonly used for clinical assessment and research. This instrument is used to figure out how severe a patient's depression is.
Beck Hopelessness Scale
(BHS) was developed in conjunction with the Beck Depression Scale to gauge the likelihood of suicide in adult and adolescent patients of 17 years if age or older. It was developed by Aaron
Beck, a well known specialist and researcher on depression, drawing from the writings of Ezra Stotland for its conceptual basis.
Bender Visual Motor Bender Visual
Gestalt Test
Used to investigate the measurement of the perpetual-motor and cognitive development in minors over the age of
4. It consists of different designs the subject then copies onto a blank piece of paper.
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
Is intended to evaluate the visual motor functioning of people ages
3-adult. It is basically a drawing/copying test with nine geometric shapes developed to assess the perceptual tendencies in the ability to organize visual stimuli into conceptual wholes (gestalts).
Brief Psychotic Rating Scale (BPRS)
Used to calculate psychotic and non-psychotic symptoms in people with major psychiatric disorders. It contains various versions in order to increase reliability and validity and is used frequently with schizophrenics.
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Basic
The Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of
Basic Skills- Revised is designed by
Brigance, Albert H, Glascoe and Frances
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