
Loss Of Innocence In The Crucible

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Loss Of Innocence In The Crucible
A disastrous, wicked, and shameful story of the vengeance of a teen are the only descriptions for this story. The Crucible, by Author Miller a play about a vengeful teen who accuses her rival of witchcraft. The story takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 when anything can spark a fear. When a group of girls start accusing some of the population of Salem of witchcraft, the remaining townspeople become afraid and can only agree with them. During the time period this story took place, fear was high and when an accusation as huge as witchcraft is heard, the people have no choice but to believe the accusation. John Proctor is a farmer is his mid-thirties, and is one of the characters who becomes feared. He has almost signed his own death warrant, by committed sins which are recognized by the community. Some of the sins include not …show more content…
He does not and is hanged, but he is loyal to friends and doesn’t turn them in. Plus he does not turn his wife in, and remains loyal to her until his death. John Proctor’s final characteristic is his Adulterous behavior. In Act two Elizabeth, his wife, and him argue because he has committed adultery against her. He has committed adultery with Abigail, their former servant, and that is the main reason Elizabeth fired her, even though she claims it was because she was not working hard. The adultery is revealed in Appendix, Act two scene two which was taken out of the play. But in this scene Proctor goes to Abigail and tries to get her to confess that she is a liar and is making the whole witch hunt up and that Elizabeth is not a with. She does not but she does remind Proctor of there adulterous relationship and how shewants him back. The final example of his adultery is when he is forced to confess the adultery to the court, but denies the accusations. John Proctor has proved to be an independent man, who is loyal to his family, but has

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