
Lord Of The Flies Chapter 7

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Lord Of The Flies Chapter 7
How to Read Literature Like a Professor Applications
In the first chapter of lord of the flies we see that there are s group of kids who are stranded on a deserted island with no way back, and no adult supervision. Sound familiar? It should. This is the retelling of Hansel and Gretel, and it is a classic. There are multiple stories that branch of off Hansel and Gretel and it makes sense because everyone can relate. At one point of another you lose your parents at the mall at the carnival and when you realize you look around hoping to find them. Its not an uncommon situation, but the way that it is told in the fairy tale really changes this everyday occurrence into a mini horror story for children about gingerbread houses. Lord of the flies is the same because it’s about a group of kids who are lost, they’re somewhere they don’t know and they don’t know how to get back home they have a beast that’s supposedly after them. The connections that exist between the two stories are undeniable.
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There was some politics in this chapter like when they discuss the rules and vote on certain things. There is also a certain little boy that we meet who has a small birthmark that shows that he is “marked for greatness” but sadly what we infer to be his death- is not very great. He dies in a fire created by the irresponsible group members, poor child. Also included in this chapter is are piggy’s specs, also known as glasses, they have a small feature by helping to create the fire which is a symbol of hope, so cliché I know, god lord I hope you don’t hate me after reading my applications (this is august 24 btw..yeah very last minute, oops?). This application is so random :P sorry. Any who off to the next chapter! Wish me

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