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WIth how many trends there are with trying to eat healthier and more organic, there is no wonder why many people are jumping on the bandwagon with the locavore group.Although many people dream of a perfect world where they can get locally grown or produced products with a snap of their fingers, there is an issue that needs to be addressed. It seems that in order to achieve the goal of most locavores, they need to consider what constitutes local. Local should be associated with farmers markets and organic or all natural but, for many this is not the case.

In many communities there are supermarkets and stores that sell food or grocery products, but should this be considered local? This question seems increasingly more a matter of opinion. According
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According to source E, people who shop at farmers markets truly care about where their food comes from and what they eat. With how many people there are that don't shop at these types of venues, does this mean that they do not care about their food? Of course not, for many people they do care but not everyone may have the accessibility to a local market or shop. Even though some would argue that you can’t get healthy food from a supermarket, “a person making smart choices from the global megamarket can easily meet all the bodies needs”(Source B). If a person shopping at lets say Target is aware of smart options while shopping he or she can eat healthy while perhaps saving money at the same time. Often times farmers markets can charge extreme prices for their products, this discourages many people from shopping there because economically they can afford them. I know that my family can’t often afford to go to farmer's markets or eat locally because of the prices. My mom however lives a very healthy lifestyle and, makes sure we eat as healthy as possible while maintaining her budget. Alternatives to these pricy foods could be people can just be more health conscious while shopping for everyday needs. It seems that when we stop associating local as the best source of healthy food, we can realize that everyone is capable of getting their daily nutrients at any type of store not just the local farmers

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