During the Tokugawa period of Japan a singular map consisted of numerous feudal towns and villages each ruled by individual daimyo lords. The list of individual domains was enormous, so too was the list of cultures, traditions, and material goods specific to the domains and feudal families that lived within the domain’s borders. The right to govern each domain was given to a daimyo lord by the Tokugawa Shogunate; in return, each ruling vassal was required to complete a “form of feudal service.” Known as alternate attendance the Shogun imposed this requirement as a means of political and economic control which restricted individual daimyo rule and reinforced the overall power of the Shogunate. While alternate attendance was a mechanism of political control that promoted peace throughout Japan, Constantine Nomikos Vaporis illustrated the unintentional effects of the hegemon’s policy in Tour of Duty. Vaporis argued that alternate attendance, while considered a “disciplinary institution” by other Japanese scholars, was nevertheless “instrumental in producing a population with a high level of shared culture and experience.”…
The warrior class would rule society and politics in Japan until the Tokugawa Shogunate in the nineteenth century. A samurai was a member of the Japanese elite and his lifestyle was dictated by a series of strict moral codes and ideals. True loyalty to his lord was expected, if not always followed through in its ideal form. In 1703 a vendetta carried out by forty-six former vassals avenging their lord 's death would come to be viewed as the embodiment of samurai ideals. Playwrights and storytellers have used the story of the valiant and devoted retainers many times since, due to the tale 's immense popularity in Japan. What would go on to be called "the most famous and popular work in the entire Japanese…
Two dominant families fought each other, and Minamoto won. Yoritomo, the leader, declared himself shogun and set up a military government in Kamakura. They basically controlled japan, because they appointed vassals as regional governors and stewards who pledged their loyalty. Then conflict raged between vassal warlords, shoguns, and the vassals loyal to him. By 1300 Ashikaga shogun controlled ¼ japan, the sumarai and vassals were jelouse, and went to gain own domain to create new types of daimyo. They set up mini independent kingdoms and improved land. By the 1500s all of their power weakend by fighting and the tokugawa took about 200 under control. The daimyos now served as vassals for shogun and pledged loyalty and military services in return.…
with the industrialized world, but throughout this process, many aspects of Japanese policy and culture…
The strucure of the japanese fuedal system and its structure is based off of a heiracy system, the Emporer being at the top, then the shogun, then the samurais, below them are the peasents and finaly the merchants. The Emperor was at the top of the Japanese feudal system and was the person that all of the people looked up to as the supreme ruler. However, the Emperor was a figurehead and held little political power compared to the Shogun who was probably the most important person in Japanese society. Although the Shogun was below the Emperor in the feudal system, but he was the one who put in the most work and effort. The Shogun was the military leader and was in charge of making the decisions for the armies, battles, etc. The Daimyos served the Shoguns and were the next class in the Japanese feudal system. The Daimyos were powerful figures who…
This caused the shogunate to place foreigners under tighter restrictions. Ultimately, they forced them all to leave and barred all relations with the outside world except for severely restricted Dutch and Chinese merchants. This was extremely important because Japan’s isolation enabled them to progress as a country and become informed on what is new around the world. It also did not allow them to create new opportunities and just made them stay…
With the arrival of the Tokugawa shoguns, came a more centralized government. While the shoguns allowed the daimyo to rule their local areas, the shoguns still had complete control over the daimyo. This meant that the authority of the shogun extended from lord to peasant.…
Brown, D. 1993. The Cambridge History of Japan Volume 1: Ancient Japan. [e-book] Naoki Kōjirō, Felicia G. Bock. pp. 221-267. Available through: Cambridge Histories Online…
The samurai (or bushi) were the soldiers of premodern Japan. They later created up the ruling military category that eventually became the best ranking social caste of the Edo amount (1603-1867). Samurai used a variety of weapons like bows and arrows, spears and guns, however their main weapon and image was the arm.…
European and Japanese feudalism were similar in that they had a similar political structure of a hereditary caste system. The Japanese classes were the shogun (similar to a king in Europe), who held all the power. Then the daimyo, who owned the land, (similar to the lords and nobles in Europe), divided their land to the lesser samurais (similar to the European knights), and the same to the peasants, artisans, farmers, and merchants (similar to the serfs in Europe). In both Europe and Japan, the hierarchy was held together as a land-for-loyalty exchange. Both Japanese and European feudalism was based on mutual obligation, but the Japanese problems of internal attacks led to them begin using a feudal system for military aspects, while the Europeans foreign invasions led to them begin using a feudal system to protect and economically grow.…
men already above the rest of their societies and made them candidates for rulers. Tokugawa was…
Between the years of 1500 and 1750, the seclusion laws of Japan were a major turning point in terms of contact with other states in social and political ways. Although Japan remained in contact with the Dutch which was their only contact with Europe, nevertheless this became successful for them in terms of wanting to be a state that was independent of European culture. For example starting in the year 1635, as Japan grew increasingly xenophobic in order to end the spread of Christianity, they closed all ports and connections to Europe and the New World. This was with the exception of only one port open called Nagasaki in order to maintain trade with the Dutch. This way, they could still stay up-to-date with limited contact with the European technologies and knowledge through books. This was a social and political turning point because it limited Japan’s contact with European culture and…
What duties did the shogun have in Japanese society? What duties did the samurai have? (Ch. 14-2)…
Throughout this period, the power of the government was placed in the hands of Shoguns, who officially ruled the country for the Emperor. The Shoguns were military governors. Also, the Emperor was the sovereign who chose the Shogun, his roles were strictly ceremonial . However, the Constitution of Japan of 1889 known as the, “"Meiji Constitution”. Enacted after the Meiji Restoration in 1868.…
During the Tokugawa era in Japanese history, the country was ruled by the shogun, or highest military official, in the name of the emperor. Under him were a number of regional lords, the daimyo, each of whom employed a contingent of samurai warriors. All of these military elites were expected to follow the code of bushido - the "way of the warrior." Among the demands of bushido were loyalty to one's master, and fearlessness in the face of death.…