Ivan the Great- Centralized rule; married the niece of the last Byzantine emperor which gave him the chance to asset dominance over all orthodox churches whether in Russia or not. He insisted that Russia had exceeded Byzantine as a third Rome. He called himself “csar” after the Caesar, the :the autocrat of all the Russians.
Ivan IV-also ivan the terrible; killed many of the Russian nobles, or boyars that he suspected of conspiracy.
Cossaks-peasant adventurers; Russian pioneers, combined agriculture with daring military feats on horseback.
Czars imported many Italian artists and architects to design church building and magnificent royal palace in the kremlin in Moscow.
Ivan IV died without and heir which led to power claims by the boyars-“the time of troubles” plus …show more content…
Dissident religious conservatives called old believers were exiled to Siberia or to southern Russia.
By the end of the 17th century Russia was one of the great land empires.
Peter the Great-built up czar contol; son of alexis;6 feet 8 inches; went to the west incognito to seek western allies for crusade against Turkish power in Europe; autocrat; attacked the ottoman empire but won no great victories; warred with Sweden and gained territory; Western organizational principles; well-defined military hierarchy; new training institutes for aspiring bureaucrats and officers; eliminated the old noble councils; made all nobility cut off their beards. Westernization was meant to encourage autocratic state.
Peter the third- was retarded but his wife Catherine the great(german born princess) took throne. She used pugachev’s rebellion as an excuse to extend the powers of the centralized government in regional affairs.
Catherine II- overthrew her husband; succession of lovers; selective westernizer; took Alaska in Russia’s name; partition of