
Incision Persuasive Speech

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Incision Persuasive Speech
Where the Incision is Located
Inframammary incisions are the incisions that are made in the breast's bottom crease, where the chest wall meets the lower protrusion of the breast. You will probably be instructed to wait at least 2 to 4 weeks before getting back to doing upper body exercises if this is the location of your implant. In the meantime, you should not lift your hands over your head during recovery. When you minimize the stain on this part of your body, it will result in healthier healing which is discrete and the scar is easily hidden.

There are some different incision techniques, where the downtime is reduced dramatically. For instance, in certain cases, an incision around the nipple is used to place the implant. In this area,
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If white blood cells are unable to fight bacteria in the wound, your risk of infection will rise significantly.

Smokers will need to quit a minimum of 3 months prior to surgery and continue not smoking throughout the recovery period. Patients are advised quit smoking for good once the surgery is completed.

If a patient wants to include breast lift with their breast augmentation, quitting smoking is critical. Over and above the techniques used for breast augmentation, more incisions are required for breast lift along with removing extra fat, skin and breast tissue. This kind of procedure is much more invasive compared to only breast augmentation; therefore it is critical to give your body the best possible opportunity to fully heal.
Supplements and Medication
Some medications and supplements play a major role in our day to day lives where they offer many advantages. But, they might actually be a hindrance during surgery. Your surgeon will thoroughly review your medications and supplements to endure there are no potential complications.

It is crucial that patients stop taking prescription drugs or dietary supplements that might result in
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This will help to keep you safe, it also decreases your chances of developing capsular contracture, an affliction where scar tissue formation encompassing the implant starts to constrict, distorting the form of the implant. It is important that patients quit taking medicines or health supplements that may result in bleeding. Among them are fish oil supplements, organic supplements, aspirin, among others. In reality, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons demands that patients sign a permission form verifying that they did stop the consumption of all dietary supplements before surgery. Patients are not supposed to start consuming dietary supplements and other medicines until 2 weeks after the procedure, or when the surgeon deems it is no longer a risk.

Allowing the use of alcohol, while recovering, is still a point of contention among surgeons. The truth is that alcohol and pain meds can be a dangerous combination. But, when the patient doesn't require pain meds anymore, it is ok to enjoy a glass of wine.

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