“Idiosyncratic interpretations by individual clinicians as to what constitutes an exception to confidentiality and informed consent essentially undermine the validity of the written standards and ethics”. It does not matter whether the psychologist is a member of the APA. All fifty states have in place, rules and guidelines, which require Ethical conduct from licensed psychologists. “The standards provided guidelines for professional conduct sensitive to the needs of both mental health and corrections (Levinson, 1985; Travin,
“Idiosyncratic interpretations by individual clinicians as to what constitutes an exception to confidentiality and informed consent essentially undermine the validity of the written standards and ethics”. It does not matter whether the psychologist is a member of the APA. All fifty states have in place, rules and guidelines, which require Ethical conduct from licensed psychologists. “The standards provided guidelines for professional conduct sensitive to the needs of both mental health and corrections (Levinson, 1985; Travin,