
How Is Rainsford Nonchalant

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How Is Rainsford Nonchalant
Fear is a primal human emotion. It drives us to do things, or not do things, and generally keeps us safe. In Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford is neither a very relatable nor believable character. He remains confident after he gets tricked multiple times, he is too analytical of the situations he finds himself in, he doesn’t and he doesn’t seem to have very much fear about being hunted by the madman Zaroff like wild game. He also does not seem to be too skeptical of a well cultured, master sportsman, living on an unmarked island who wants to invite him into his home to stay. In a similar situation, most other main characters would ask scores of questions but Rainsford is slightly nonchalant. Rainsford remains confident,

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