
How Does Walter Present Tension In 1961

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How Does Walter Present Tension In 1961
The 1961 film used the correct amount of cinematic techniques, such as limited close-ups and non-diegetic sounds to portray tensions present in the Younger family. The 2008 film failed to use an adequate amount of techniques and does not depict the tension as well as its older predecessor. Early in the scene, Walter follows Ruth around while she makes breakfast, trying to persuade her to tell Mama about his dreams. While standing over her, he goes far enough to try to make her participation beneficial to everything she’s tired with, saying “You’re tired, ain’t you? Tired of everything. Me, the boy, the way we live-this beat up hole-everything.” Ruth, being persistent at the moment, “...doesn’t look up, doesn’t answer.” After a small speech …show more content…
In the play, much of their dialogue leads up to the tension between them. A small dispute with the three women lead to Beneatha saying “God hasn’t got a thing to do with it.” Mama tells her that it wasn’t necessary, but her daughter still continues to say that God isn’t necessary either, and that she’s sick of hearing about God. Mama warns her that she was going to get slapped, having Ruth agreeing with her. Beneatha then takes it too far for Mama, saying “Mama, you don’t understand. It’s all a matter of ideas, and God is just one idea I don’t accept. It’s not important. I’m not going to be immoral and commit crimes because I don’t believe in God… I get tired of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves through its own stubborn effort… there is only man and it is he who makes miracles!” In response, her mother “studies her daughter and crosses to Beneatha and slaps her powerfully across the face.” Silence follows, with Mama forcing her to say “in my mother’s house there is still God.” Both films take different approaches to depict this quarrel, but use the extreme close-up. In the 1961 film, Beneatha is shown with extreme shock in the slap and Mama is depicted with great fury in her actions. The extreme close-up plays in favor with this film by showing the effect of Mama’s actions. In the 2008 film, the extreme close-up

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