
How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society

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How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society
The Industrial Revolution has had more negative effects on the world community than positive effects. Through the course of learning about the history of different countries and their success and loss in industrialization has taught me different things, good and bad, about the industrial revolution as a whole. Although I have come to an understanding with every opinion fixated towards positivity in industrial times, I think that a negative effect was mainly brought during the industrial revolution. Main points that came into effect from the industrial revolution are as follows; environmental and rise in mass culture, technology advancement and changed in government, racism in urban age as well as economic changes. Adding all of these together …show more content…
Difficulties such as Darwinism backing up social ideas, some thinkers used his theories to support their own beliefs about society. Although Darwin himself never promoted any social ideas, others took into account of creating their own ideas. Applying the idea of survival of the fittest to war and economic competition and the main one racism, which was encouraged by Social Darwinism. By the late 1800’s many Europeans and Americans claimed that the success of Western civilization was due to the supremacy of the white race. Racism did end up taking on until the Civil War and created huge disputes in history. Additionally economy created a huge change in industrialization, the cause of economy to change is because of all the new inventions of technology and factories and workers with pay. David Ricardo came up with “The Iron Law of Wages” which meant workers should be paid only enough to survive. If people made more money, they will have more children and therefore become poor and eventually die off from starvation. This theory became a correct statement of the economy around industrial times. Workers had to be fulfilled with their pays, because they are at a “natural level”. Along with another of Ricardo’s ideas this lead to many conclusions that people are poor because of personal flaw in their

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