
How Are 1984 Winston And Julia Similar

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How Are 1984 Winston And Julia Similar
Different but are still similar. In George Orwell's 1984, Winston and Julia are two people who meet each other and think that they can relate to each other in a society where nobody can freely express themselves. They both try to fit into society but think about society differently.
Julia and Winston feel like they have to go according to what is happening around them or else they will suffer consequences. For example, in 1984 it says, "Tell me, what are your true feelings towards Big Brother?' 'I hate him.' 'Good. Then the time has come for you to take this last step. You must love Big Brother, not enough to obey him, you must love him" (Orwell 355). They both see Big Brother as a threat and abide by him. Disobeying society would get them
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Specifically, Julia expresses how she feels when she says, "'I am not interested in the next generation"(Orwell 156). Julia does not care to think about the future and what would happen like, but would rather think about herself now and what she will do. She only cares about the present of herself while Winston cares for the present of himself and society and the future generations. He questions what is going happen and thinks about why society is like this. In 1984, George Orwell explained how Julia feels when he wrote “She seemed to think it just as natural that ‘they’ should want to rob you of your pleasures as that you should want to avoid being caught. She hated the Party, and said so in the crudest words… Except when it touched her own life she had no interest in Party doctrine,” (Orwell 131). Julia is concerned on why they take away happiness from society. Winston explains the passion she has when she talks about the Party. Julia is a woman who likes to enjoy herself, and she isn’t allowed to so that is why she is against the Party. Winston and Julia think differently on what is wrong with society and why they care for

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