
House On Mango Street Ambiguity

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House On Mango Street Ambiguity
W.G. Sebald said, "I think that fiction writing which does not acknowledge the uncertainty of the narrator himself is a form of imposture which I find very, very difficult to take. Any form of authorial writing where the narrator sets himself up as a stagehand and director and judge and executor in a text, I find somehow unacceptable." This relates to The House on Mango Street in a sense that Cisneros' writing is acceptable because she let's Esperanza tell the story, only clueing in a few times. There are times where she tries to sound childish, but it is clearly stated. In Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street, Esperanza depicts her uncertainty through metaphors, imagery, and diction. The authors metaphors depict the child-like ambiguity

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