
Health Promotion In Nursing

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Health Promotion In Nursing
Health Promotion in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Care Nursing
Monica V. Poehner
Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion
November 10, 2013

Health Promotion in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Care Nursing Among the many aspects of nursing care, health promotion as become one of the largest and most important. As health and illness has evolved, the need for education and prevention has greatly increased. Standing at the forefront in multiple settings, nurses are striving to promote health in every aspect of care. This is a review and reflection of the purpose and definition of health promotion as well as how nursing plays its part in the primary, secondary, and tertiary care settings.
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In primary prevention, the focus is protection from illness. Examples of interventions in this category are health education, adequate housing and recreation, agreeable working conditions, periodic check-ups and screenings, and protection from accidents, carcinogens and allergens (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). A bicycle safety course encouraging parents to enforce the use of protective equipment and helmets with their children is primary prevention. By wearing protective gear, if a child falls of his bicycle, he is less likely to be injured. Although goals in primary prevention are targeted towards individuals, healthcare leaders are taking the approach in bringing promotion into larger groups: schools, workplaces, prisons, and general practice (Bennett, Perry, & Lawrence, 2009). “Secondary prevention aims to shorten episodes of illness and prevent progression of ill health through prompt diagnosis and care” (Bennett, Perry, & Lawrence, 2009). Immunizations and blood pressure screenings are examples of secondary prevention. Kubik, Story, & Davey discuss a study promoting the implementation of school-based obesity prevention efforts (2007). Tertiary prevention refers to rehabilitation and restoration of health. Making lifestyles changes status post myocardial infarction to improve longevity and quality of life without further complications is an example of tertiary …show more content…
The nurse has the ability to influence a client in every level of prevention; whether it be protection from illness, administering health screenings, or rehabilitating from an already acquired illness. Getting out into the community to educate and influence the public will contribute to the success of health promotion and prevention. As the complexity of human illness continues to increase, the need for prevention will also grow. Nurses can organize free educational courses discussing smoking cessation, or the predisposing factors for coronary artery disease or strokes. Hosting screenings frequently throughout the year in one’s community or immunization fairs is a great way nurses can take initiative in health promotion. In the hospital setting, nurses must make an effort to thoroughly assess the learning styles of their patients and implement education throughout their stay, evaluating effectiveness for the best patient

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