
Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 2 D2

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Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 2 D2
D2 Justify responses where child maltreatment or abuse is suspected or confirmed, referring to current legislation and policies

Child maltreatment can be very hard to see defiantly when there is no physical damage to the individual. However when there has been any suspicion or confirmed abuse or maltreatment cases certain response needs to take place to make sure the childâs safety is put first and that the right polices and legislations help in supporting the response to that certain abuse.

The Paramountcy principle is when the childâs welfare paramount in other words the childâs needs should be put first. This principle also states that there should be no delay when accounting for the childâs future. Courts should also not make an order unless they are absolutely in the childâs best interest to do so. This also applies to other health and social care settings as they work with children. For example a school always need to make sure the subjects they are educating the pupils in it is in their best interest and will help them in the future. This links to justifying the response to abuse and maltreatment of a child because every child should be given priority over all other problems. Responding to child maltreatment and abuse needs to be quick and significant help.

In the Children Act (1989)
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While there are many strict regulations on confidentiality within health and social care when the situation includes information about a child being abused or maltreated they do not apply to such an extent. There are also legal responsibilities for individuals to comply when they have certain information to pass on to a person with higher authority. For example in a hospital if a child tells a nurse about being abused the nurse needs to tell her supervisor and cannot deal with the situation herself as it could put the child in further risk and also put herself in risk as

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