
Great Gatsby Essay

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Great Gatsby Essay
In the novel The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan is possibly the most mysterious and perhaps disappointing character. She captures the hearts of both Tom Buchanan, her unfaithful, though providing husband and Jay Gatsby, her lover from five years prior. Many disastrous incidents occurred in all aspects of the novel. It would be easy to blame all of them on Tom, because she was cheating on Daisy, or even Gatsby, because he lured Daisy in with his elaborate house and fancy shirts. But, all of the unfortunate events that occurred throughout the novel were undoubtedly and entirely, Daisy Buchanan’s fault. First, she met Gatsby and promised to wait for him until he got back from the war, but met and married Tom anyway. She cheated on Tom with Gatsby, and made Nick to keep secrets from people. She then killed Myrtle with Gatsby’s car, which caused George Wilson, Myrtle’s seemingly deranged husband, to kill Gatsby and subsequently, himself. Therefore, all of the deplorable occurrences that transpired through the duration of the novel were solely Mrs. Daisy Buchanan’s fault. In the novel, we learn that Daisy and Gatsby were lovers before he left for the war and Tom even came into the picture. When she left him, Daisy allowed Gatsby to build up this idea of who she was in his head, which doomed them from the start. She left Gatsby for Tom and left him hoping that one day, things would be the same as they were before she betrayed him. For example, when Nick tells Gatsby that things will never be the same as they were before, it says, “‘Can't repeat the past?' he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!'”(Fitzgerald 118). It can be said that it’s Gatsby’s fault that everything happened because he enlarged his image of her so much, but if Daisy had not left Gatsby for Tom, he would not have to do that.
Similarly, after Daisy and Gatsby meet Daisy leads him on to thinking that he is everything to her, which caused him to build her up even more. When Nick invites Daisy

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