
Good And Evil In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Good And Evil In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown
As people around him demonstrated their actual religion, which was praising the devil, Brown lost all the faith he had. The forest is an image of Goodman Brown's evil personality. The forest in the story is an obvious image of the devils home. Goodman adventure into the forest can be considered as the excursion into sin, and Goodman Brown's finding his evil nature. The forest was said to be “ a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind. It was all as lonely as could be” (Hawthorne 1).Goodman Brown adventure through the forest is on a tight, dark, and suspicious way. The dark road symbolizes the evil in the forest and also the evil …show more content…
The evidence that Brown may never have the capacity to come back to the way his assumed mind of innocence is proposed by the way that the forest closes quickly behind him. The dejection of the forest symbolizes a life without faith. The trail is long and blustery, which symbolizes the profundity Goodman Brown's conscious mind must travel far from guiltlessness to have the capacity to appreciate the evil that is in him, he knows the evil is within in but instead interprets it to the world like saying the whole word is evil instead of his, stating that nobody is good in the world. Goodman Brown is mindful of his evil nature and this is made clear when he expected that his faith is something that can be changed and later grabbed voluntarily. The darkness that is in Goodman Brown's heart speaks to his portrayal of the forest. The wearisome state of mind looks somewhat like Brown as the depictions turns out to be more distinctive the more profound he walks into the forest. “The forest, symbol of Brown's retreat into himself, is associated with images suggestive of evil” (Hurley 413). Goodman Brown through his own evil nature drives himself into a dream where he is cut from humankind with just the devil as his

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